Decide to forgive, for resentment is negative.Resentment is poisonous; resentment diminishesand devours the self. Be the first to forgive,to smile and to take the first step, and you will see happiness bloom on the face of your brother
or sister. Be always the first; do not wait for
others to forgive. For by forgiving, you become the master of fate, the fashioner of life, the
doer of miracles. To forgive is the highest, most
beautiful form of love. In return you will receive untold peace and happiness.

This is an additonal link page with links to many adoption related sites, latino sites and many miscellenous sites. Please be sure to visit this page.
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Spain, Portugal & The Basque Country
Cyndi's List to Spain, Portugal and the Basque Country.
Genealogy of Mexico
Sites to Mexican history links.
Mexican Genealogy
Tips on how to search your Mexican genealogy.
US New Mexico
Cyndi's List for New Mexico.
HGRC of New Mexico
Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of New Mexico.
Grupo de Padres Adoptivos de Puerto Rico
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